Garrett Lane, Tyldesley, Greater Manchester, M29 7EY


Garrett Hall Primary School

Dream and Believe, Learn and Achieve...



Our Curriculum


At Garrett Hall, the key aim for all our teaching and learning is to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn, to enjoy and to achieve. We encourage the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all our pupils. Our curriculum builds on pupils’ strengths, interests and experiences and develops children’s confidence in their capacity to learn, be reflective and work independently and collaboratively becoming responsible young citizens.

Garrett Hall's Curriculum Rationale

The core of our curriculum is based around the guidance issued by the Department of Education (DfE) in the following two documents:

The Early Years Framework (2023) - Nursery and Reception


The National Curriculum (2014) – Year 1 to Year 6

 Our curriculum is taught through term long ‘Themes’ that are used to tie together the different subject areas, where possible. This approach has many advantages including giving a focus of interest for the children. Core subjects English, Maths and Science, are also taught discretely to ensure mastery and depth of understanding.   

  EYFS Curriculum Map  


Year 1 to Year 6 Curriculum Map


To see individual class topics and themes in more detail, please visit our class pages


Reading and Phonics:

We use the Bug Club Synthetic Phonics Programme to support the sequence and teaching of phonics and reading within EYFS and KS1. 

We use a variety of reading schemes within school to support the teaching of reading; including Bug Club books, Oxford Reading Tree, Project X and Big Cat books. Children have access to a fully decodable book that is matched to their phonics knowledge alongside a reading for pleasure book.