Spring Events 2022
12th January 2022 - ComputerXplorers
Children from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed a range of assemblies this week from ComputerXplorers! These assemblies launched a sequence of sessions that the children will take part in over the next half term.
Our visitors introduced the children to robots, apps and devices that they will be working with during the workshops over the next half term.
Our School Choir is back...
Our Key Stage 2 choir have finally been able to perform again and have put together a beautiful performance of 'Rise Up' to celebrate perseverance and courage.
To listen to their fantastic performance, please click the link below:
Year 4 class assemblies - February
The children in our year four classes have worked hard to deliver fantastic performances of their class assemblies this month. The performances were all about the work they had been completing in class over the last term. They showcased everything from learning about the Vikings, having dragons as pets and even creating Harry Potter potions! Well done children, you were all fabulous!
Improving our local area - February
On the walk to and from school, one of our dedicated year six pupils noticed an area that had become full of rubbish and she felt that something needed to be done about it. She decided to spend her half term clearing up the litter and making it look much better for local residents. Well done Tierney, and thank you!
Science Week - Wk Beginning 14th March
Mr Jones launched Science week in school this morning by introducing the children to his famous vortex cannon! We all watched as the cannon demonstrated how air can spin and travel over surprisingly long distances and even knock a cup off a teachers head!
Mr Jones has challenged all the children in school this week to investigate what makes the best paper plane. How far can you make them travel? How long can they stay in the air?
We will get back together later this week to find out who is the winning scientist in each year group!
March - New lunchtime play equipment
It has been lovely to see the children enjoying the sunshine and using the new play equipment during their lunchtimes this week.
March 28th - Easter egg and Easter bonnet competition
Well done to all the children who took part in our Easter egg and Easter bonnet competition today. We were blown away by all of the entries, they were all eggcellent!!
Red Nose Day - March 2022
Thank you to everyone that bought a red nose from school for Comic Relief this year. We raised £428 for this worthy cause.
14th January - Year 4 visit to Tatton Park
Our Year 4 children have had a fantastic time today at Tatton Park visiting the Anglo Saxon settlement as part of their topic work.
To see a video of their day trip, please click the link below:
NATRE 2022 Spirited Arts Competition - January
Year 5 have produced some beautiful artwork for the NATRE 2022 Spirited Arts competition. It was a tremendously difficult decision to shortlist 10 pieces to go through to the national competition as there were so many entries of an excellent standard. Well done to all those who took part.
Valentine Discos - 17th February
We were able to put on one of our popular after school events again this term, and love was definitely in the air!
The children all enjoyed themselves at their Valentine Discos. It was lovely to see everyone smiling, dancing and having fun. Thank you to everyone involved in the planning and organisation of these discos.
Altru drama workshops - March
Our children have been looking at books linked to our well-being curriculum this week. They participated in drama workshops run by Altru, which offered fun and creative ways to explore a range of books, building confidence, increasing speaking and listening skills and working with others.
ATSA Swimming Gala - 9th March
A massive well done to our ATSA swimming gala team, who swam for our school today. You were all fantastic!
15th March - Year 3 trip to Chester
Year 3 had a fantastic time visiting the Grosvenor Musuem in Chester today. They spent the day learning all about the Romans in Britain, taking part in Roman workshops and marching around the Roman remains of Chester dressed as gladiators!
Year 1 class assemblies - March
Well done to all of the children in Year 1 for putting on an amazing performance of your class assemblies. We learned all about how to look after yourself by thinking about your mental health and well-being. We even found out about meditation!
Always remember:
Be Yourself, Be Mindful, Be Active, Be Connected, Be Kind.
28th March - ATHOS supports Ukraine
Today, all our children and staff wore yellow and blue to raise money and support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
As sunflowers are the national flower of Ukraine, our younger children also planted sunflower seeds to remember the people of Ukraine as the flower grows.
March - Wigan Borough Domestic Abuse Service
We have welcomed DIAS into school this term to work with the children completing healthy relationship sessions. The children from Reception - Year 6 have learnt about a range of things from gender stereotypes, different types of friendships, keeping secrets and resolving conflict. They have been very informative sessions and the children have enjoyed taking part.
Wigan Youth Zone - 24th January
Our 'Just Join In' team had a fantastic day at Wigan Youth zone today taking part in a wide range of activities such as archery, team games, hockey, bowls, pool and much more!
Yoga - 25th January
Some of our Year 1 and 2 children took part in a yoga taster session after school today... they loved it!
Dance Showcase - Wk Beg February 14th
Classes throughout school have enjoyed showing off their talents in a series of Dance Showcase sessions this week.
During this Spring term, all classes have been working with a dance specialist in their PE sessions to put together a class dance piece. The children have enjoyed working together and developing their dance skills over a six week period before having the opportunity to show off their finished routines.
You were all amazing, well done!
World Book Day - 3rd March 2022
Bedtime stories - You are a reader!
We celebrated World Book Day this week by coming to school in our PJ's and thinking about the books we read at bedtime.
We enjoyed bringing a favourite bedtime story into school to share with our classes and talk about books and what they mean to us.
15th March - ATSA First Aid for Sport session
Children from various schools in Atherton and Tyldesley joined Mr McMahon today as he delivered the ATSA First Aid for Sport training at our school. The children learned how to support conscious and unconscious casualties, how to treat a severe bleed and carry out lifesaving CPR. The children also learned how to use their mobile phones and First Aid Apps to support them in emergency situations.
March - Year 2 trip to Kenyon Hall Farm
The children in Year 2 had a fantastic time at Kenyon Hall Farm this week. It was their first opportunity to go on a school trip and they thoroughly enjoyed it! They found out all about plants and growing.
Year 3 class assemblies - March
Our year 3 children put on fantastic performances in their class assemblies this week, all about their topic 'From Stone to Rome'. Well done everyone!
We even had a preview of the Passion Play that will be performed during the assemblies this week in school.
Whole School French Day - Week beginning 28th March
Mrs Hughes organised a fantastic French experience for our children this week, where each class had the opportunity to take part in a carousel of French activities with their year group. The children experienced activities raging from traditional French food tasting, games of boules, language and conversation role play, map work, learning new French words and singing French songs. It has been a wonderful experience for our children. Thank you to Mrs Hughes and all of her Year 5 & 6 helpers!