Our Spring term topic in Year 5 is....The Mystical Maya
To view our suggested activities for the Spring term please click here
We recommend that children read at least 3 times a week and once to an adult. This will help to improve the fluency of their reading as well as supporting both their comprehension and spelling.
Guided Reading
Over the course of the week, children will take part in a range of Guided Reading activities. These will be based around our Reading for Pleasure text, Oh Maya Gods by Maz Evans, and will focus on developing key reading skills of Retrieval, Inference and Authorial Choice. The children will also experience school library and book talk sessions.
Our PE days for this term are Thursday and Friday so please come in your kit on this day. For the first half-term, this will be Sports Coach on Thursday and a Be Well Wigan Coach on Friday. We will update on the second half-term once Cricket Coach dates have been finalised.
In English, we will be studying:
Until I Met Dudley and Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions - Explanation texts
The Chocolate Tree and Rain Player - Traditional tales: Ancient Maya folk tales and myths
The Hero Twins and The Road to Eldorado - Narrative writing including adventure stories and graphic novels
In all of these units we will be covering a range of comprehension, grammar and spelling objectives.
Year 5 Team
Mr W Jones
Miss S Burns
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs S Henry
Mrs E Shaw
Miss H Worrall
Miss A Wright
In Year 5 this term, we have a big push on accuracy of times tables, spelling, handwriting and punctuation.
You can support us in this by checking and encouraging accuracy in these areas in your children's homework.
Thank you for your continued support.
Spring trips and events
Trip to Manchester Art Gallery and to see the Halle Orchestra (History / Art / Music)
Details to follow via Parent Pay
In Maths we will be focusing on:
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions
- Decimals and Percentages
- Perimeter and Area
- Statistics
Year 5 in pictures...
Each week, we expect children to practise both their times tables and spelling homework. In addition to this, we usually set a homework on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday. Please see Google Classroom to view the homework each week. Your child's login details are at the front of their Reading Journal/Planner.
Spelling strategies and rules will be taught throughout the week. Children will be tested on their spellings and receive their new spellings every Friday.
Year 5 Word List
Below are the Year 5 words that your child needs to be able to spell by the end of Year 5....
Materials and their properties
Dissolving - a range of practical dissolving investigations usnig salt and sugar.
Our Topic Learning
History and Geography
We will be learning all about the Ancient Maya, studying their culture and legacy as well as developing historical enquiry skills. We will be developing mapwork skills and finding out about the geography of Mesoamerica.
Art and DT
In Art, we are studying the artist Deborah Shapiro and creating our own abstract animal art. In DT, we are designing and making Maya-style worry dolls and burritos.
This term the children will be learning about Spreadsheets and Coding.
Our topics for this term will be: Islam - The Qur'an and Christianity - Miracles.
With our music specialist Miss Holcroft, the children will be developing their understanding of musical notation and body percussion, inspired by the music of Anna Meredith.
National Curriculum
To view the National Curriculum expectations for Year Five children -please click here