Garrett Lane, Tyldesley, Greater Manchester, M29 7EY


Garrett Hall Primary School

Dream and Believe, Learn and Achieve...


Our 2024-25 Spring Term topic in Year 4 is....

Road Trip USA!

 To view our theme topic web for the Spring term please click here 


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As with previous year groups, children will be given a reading book from a specific colour band at the beginning of each term, which will be changed accordingly throughout the year as your child's fluency and comprehension improve. Children are encouraged to read their individual reading books to an adult at least three times a week. This is to ensure that they have the opportunity to discuss a text and check their understanding, as well as the meanings of unfamiliar words. With increasing independence, children will be encouraged to select texts to read for pleasure.
In Year 4, Spring novels include Brother Eagle, Sister Sky and The Lost Happy Endings.  We also study a wide range of picture books, poetry and non-fiction texts to support children's work in English. This is also taught through Guided Reading sessions, where children will be able to delve deeper into a variety of text types, developing their understanding of plot, structure and character. They will be taught and practise skills such as retrieval, inference and prediction.


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PE takes place with class teachers on a Wednesday and our sports coach takes pupils on a Thursday morning.  This terms PE focus is gymnastics.


English lessons are based around a range of narrative, picture and non-fiction texts. Pupils learn to develop their language skills through grammar, spelling & punctuation activities and apply this during weekly creative writing sessions through a range of genres. Pupils also learn redrafting and editing skills to improve their work.

Design & Technology

To support pupils' work in Science, Year 4 will be focusing on simple circuits and switches this term. Pupils will be designing and making their own torch. 

Year 4 Team


Mrs Bell
Mrs Middlehurst

 Teaching Assistants:

 Mrs Wild

Mr Davidson

Mrs Walsh


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Spring trips & visits 

This term Year 4 will take part in a residential trip to The Anderton Centre at Rivington to develop team building & problem solving skills and cover aspects of our Outdoor Education curriculum. 


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Over the course of the year we will be covering all aspects of  Year 4 with a focus on: fluency, problem solving and reasoning  Another main focus will be fluency of times tables knowledge ready for our National Times Tables test in Summer!

Year Four in Pictures....

Slideshow coming soon...

National Curriculum

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To view the National Curriculum expectations for Year Four children -please click here 


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Throughout the year, children will be given 3 ongoing key homework tasks: times tables, reading and spellings. As well as this there will be a Pick'n'Mix homework, which consists of a variety of tasks linked to our curriculum. Homework tasks can be accessed via pupils' Google Classrooms. 


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Spellings are set every week on a Friday, to be tested the following Friday. The Year 3 and 4 Statutory spelling list will be taught alongside Year 4 spelling rules (We will also be teaching and consolidating some of the year 3 spelling rules.)  We recommend that children use a variety of strategies to learn their spellings as practised in spelling lessons. 

Please click here to see the words that children in Year 4 are expected to be able to spell by the end of the year.


 Pupils will be learning about electricity and sound this term. Lessons are largely practical in nature and aim to develop pupils' investigative skills in a range of pupil and teacher-led experiments. 

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Our Topic Learning 


Pupils will learn about the physical and human geography of North America, including its diverse landscapes, climates, and cultures. They will also learn about the history and government of the region, as well as the economic and environmental issues facing North America today.  Pupils will also compare the physical and human geography of New York and Manchester, including their landscapes, climates, and cultures. They will also compare and contrast the history, government, economy, and environment of these two cities.


Pupils will study the work of Elizabeth Pawl focusing on the artistic elements of Pattern and Texture this term. They will create their own designs and textile pieces using hessian and a range of fabrics to create a piece in the style of Elizabeth Pawl. 


Pupils will learn how to use spreadsheets and write for different audiences using different apps within their G Suite tools. Work will be linked to their geographical studies and English work.


Year 4 will be considering what creation stories teach us about caring for the world and why is pilgrimage important to some religious believers. 


Year 4 will be enjoying wider opportunities music lessons organised by Wigan Music Service. Pupils will be learning to play the violin and take part in a range of concerts to showcase their progress to parents over the year.