Our Spring Term Topic is 'From Stone to Rome'
To view our curriculum map and our suggested activities for the Spring Term please click here
Children read their individual reading book with their class teacher or teaching assistant once every two weeks.. Children also take part in whole class Guided Reading sessions 3 times per week. We also will visit the school library once every two weeks. Children will take home a school reading book and a reading for pleasure book which as been picked from our classroom library or school library. We will also enjoy reading a book at story time together each week. We have some exciting novels to read together this term based on our history topic of Stone to Rome.
Guided Reading
We enjoy three whole class Guided Reading sessions per week. In these sessions we look at a range of different texts, some whole books, some extracts, from both fiction and non fiction.
We begin each session with a 'Speedy Reading Skills Starter' where we explore some vocabulary which will help us to understand the text. We then read the text together before answering some questions based on the text, we discuss answers with our partner, then discuss them together as a class. We finish the Guided Reading session with a solo task where we work individually.
In English this term we begin by learning all about Mary Anning the famous fossil hunter! We then begin reading Stone Age Boy, the children take part in some drama activities and class debates about life in the Stone Age before they write their own narrative about being transported back in time to live in the Stone Age period. The children then use their knowledge of the Stone age to write a no chronological report about being a Hunter Gatherer.
We then go on to read How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth, during this unit the children are focusing on writing a set of instructions of how to look after a Woolly mammoth!
We then go onto looking at a range of non fiction books about Boudiccia and the Romans in Britain. The children will be writing a newspaper reports about life during the Roman invasion and
Boudiccia's rebellion
The children will finish this term by learning all about Roman Gladiators, and writing a set of instructions of how to become a Roman Gladiator.
Year 3 Team
Mr McMahon
Mr Parr
Mrs Hughes (French)
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Thorpe
Mrs Fox
Swimming is every Wednesday. Please come to school dressed in P.E kits.
This term sees us kick off with multiplication and division in our written work, learning more-formal methods and using resources to help us understand our work.
Next we look at telling the time on an analogue clock to the nearest five minute and nearest minute. Please continue to practise at home!
We will then work on Statistics for a couple of weeks, looking carefully at pictograms, how to read and interpret them, and also how to draw them accurately.
Fractions next where we will practise finding fractions of shapes and fractions of amounts.
Multiplication and division facts will be practised every week. Children in Year 3 should aim to know 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8x tables by the end of the year. Please allow time for your child to practise on Times Table Rockstar during the week.
Year 3 in pictures....
National Curriculum
To view the National Curriculum expectations for Year Three children please click here
In Science this half term we will be:
- Identifying different types of rocks
- Sorting and grouping rock by their properties
- Observing real fossils and investigating how they are formed
- Learning about Mary Anning's contribution to palaeontology
- Investigating how soil is formed
Weekly Homework
Reading for pleasure daily
Reading to an adult 3 times per week
Times Table Practice (Times Table Rockstars)
Practice weekly spellings (Test on Tuesday)
Weekly homework will be given on a Friday and should be back in by the following Wednesday.
The year group is split into three groups and spelling lists are set weekly. We teach spelling four times over the week in class, and focus on linking the sound to the spelling.
Please see below for our list of words which the children will need to be able to spell by the end of Year 3.
Our Topic Learning
History - Stone to Rome
This term we will be answering questions:
- What does prehistory mean?
- How did the Hunter Gatherers survive the Stone Age?
- What was Stone Age Cave art?
- What kind of sources tell us about the Stone Age?
- What was Skara Brae?
- Why are there so many mysteries about Stonehenge?
- How did bronze replace stone in the Bronze age?
- What was life like in an Iron Age Hill fort?
- What was Iron Age art like?
- Why did the Romans invade Britain?
- Why did Romans build new roads in Britain?
- What was Boudicca's rebellion?
- Who was Hadrian and why did he build a wall in Britain?
- What were the religious beliefs of the Romans?
- What were Roman baths?
In the first half of the Spring term we will be learning all about coding. The children will be:
- Reviewing previous coding knowledge
- Designing and writing a program that simulates a physical system
- learning about 'if' commands
- Learning how to use variables
- learning how to use repetition
- learning how to debug
During this term in R.E we will be answering:
What Does it Mean to be a Disciple of Jesus? What makes a good leader? I understand who the 12 disciples where and what they did. I understand why they followed Jesus. I can understand the great commission that Jesus gave. I understand that Jesus calls people who trust in him to be his disciples still today. I understand how to be a follower of Jesus in the 21st Century. What does it mean to be modern day disciples and to love each other? Who should I follow and why? What do Christians mean by the Holy Spirit? Identify what aspects of being human should be celebrated. Explore Christian beliefs for the ‘Holy Spirit'. Explore the characteristics of a Christian individual inspired by the ‘Holy Spirit.' Identify the importance of showing commitment to a religious way of life. Explain how Christians today celebrate Pentecost. Reflect on how children can make the best use of their talents. |