Our Spring Term topic in Year 2 is Land Ahoy!
To view our curriculum map and our suggested activities for the Spring term-Please click here
In Year Two children will read their individual reading books once per week with the class teacher or teaching assistant. Sometimes children may also read as part of an intervention or with a parent helper, student or volunteer. Please try to read a minimum of 3 times per week to earn 500 miles on their 'Reading Around the World' challenge. Children will be rewarded when they reach each new destination and show they have developed a commitment to reading at home.
Guided Reading
Children will have whole class guided reading Monday - Friday. They will be taught how to answer comprehension questions based around our topic and will look at different words and their meanings.
Children will also take part in a range of reading activities. They will access these activities across the week including vocabulary activities, guided reading with an adult, individual reading, grammar activities and handwriting practise.
In Year Two our PE days are every
Monday and Wednesday
for both classes.
Please come to school in your PE kit and trainers.
This term in PE we will be focusing on:
Earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters.
In English this term we will be focusing on the following texts:
- Dougal's Deep Sea Diary
- Flotsam
- Meerkat Mail
- The secret of Black Rock
- Grace Darling
- Titanic
Spring 1
How jobs help people earn money to pay for things they need and want
Learning about a range of different jobs, including those done by people they know or people who work in their community
How people have different strengths and interests that enable them to do different jobs
How people use the internet and digital devices in their jobs and everyday life
Spring 2
- How rules and restrictions help them to keep safe (e.g. basic road, fire, cycle, water safety; in relation to medicines/ household products and online)
- How to identify risky and potentially unsafe situations (in familiar and unfamiliar environments, including online) and take steps to avoid or remove themselves from them
how to resist pressure to do something that makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable, including keeping secrets
How not everything they see online is true or trustworthy and that people can pretend to be someone they are not
How to tell a trusted adult if they are worried for themselves or others, worried that something is unsafe or if they come across something that scares or concerns them
Religious Education
Unit 1:
- Who inspires us?
- Qualities of a good leader
- Our own qualities and how we inspire others.
- How Jesus was a good leader to Christians.
- How Moses was a good leader.
- Explore leaders from other faiths.
Unit 2:
- Why and how do special places and symbols show that people believe.
- Find and discuss objects that are special to us.
- Symbols and objects that are special to Christians.
- Easter story and traditions.
- Feelings associated with the Easter story.
- Why Church is a special place for Christians.
- Features of a church and their functions.
Year 2 Team
Mrs B. Lock
Miss K. Gildart
Mrs S. Chambers
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs A. Woodall
Miss S. Hilton
- Please remember to check Seesaw for updates, reminders, letters and photographs.
Summer Trips & Events
• Altru Drama Company
In Maths we will be focusing on Money, Multiplication and Division, Length and Height and Mass, Capacity and Temperature.
Times Tables Challenge
In Year 2 children need to know number bonds to 10 and 20 and also the 2, 5 and 10 times tables off by heart. We have broken these down into smaller steps to make it more achievable. Children will start with number bonds and when confident will move on to the 10 x tables and then divisions, followed by 2 x tables and then 5 x tables. For children who are confident in these tables before the end of the year they can move on to the 3 x tables in preparation for Year 3. Children earn stickers and certificates for each stage of the challenge.
See Times Tables Challenge booklet for more information.
Autumn Term
Fame, Fire and Fortune
To view our curriculum map/taught activities for the Spring term please click here
National Curriculum
To view the National Curriculum expectations for Year Two children please click here
Homework is in the style of 'Pick n Mix' activities alongside weekly reading, spellings and Maths tasks:
- 5-10 mins reading 3-5 times a week
- 5-10 mins practising weekly spellings
- 10-15 mins practising time tables on Time Tables Rockstars at least once per week
The children are given one copy of the homework activities at the beginning of each term that contains lots of different activities that can be completed independently or with an adult. Pick n Mix homework can be returned to school upon completion and shared in class. There are a variety of activities to choose from as we try to make homework as fun as possible to engage all children!
Children have also been given logins for Purple Mash, Numbots and Google. These can be accessed at any time.
Spellings will be given out every Tuesday. The children will then do their spelling test the following Monday. Children will usually have 10 - 15 spellings to learn and will have a sheet of spellings with different tasks on. Spellings will follow either the Bug Club phonics scheme or Rising stars spelling scheme, focusing on different spelling rules each week.
Throughout the year children will also practise the Year 2 common exception words which are linked below.
Being able to apply the spelling pattern in writing is just as important as getting them all correct in the spelling test!
Please click here to view the Year 2 Common Exception Words
This term in Science we will be linking our learning to our Titanic work. We will be conducting an experiment into the best material for a boat. Looking at different materials and their properties.
Our Topic Learning:
The Titanic
- Understand key events of the Titanic's maiden voyage and sinking.
- Explore life in 1912 and compare it to today.
- Learn about significant individuals involved with the Titanic.
- Develop empathy by understanding the human impact of the disaster.
- Investigate causes of the sinking and lessons learned.
- Use historical evidence, such as photos and documents, to learn about the past.
- Introduce and use historical vocabulary related to the Titanic.
- Connect the Titanic's story to geography through mapping and exploration.
- Using maps to find landmarks such as Liverpool, Southampton, Belfast and New York
- Using and developing a map key linked with our Titanic work in English
- Researching the artist Sharon Gochenour
- Practising the skill of Batik
- Drawing sea creatures
- Creating our own batik art work
Unit 1: Coding
- Introduction to coding
- Introduction to backgrounds and characters
- Introduction to collision detection
- To use repeat and timer commands
- Debugging
- To explore the possible actions of different types of objects.