Our Autumn Term 2024-25 topic in Year 1 is... Kerpow! Superheroes
To view our theme topic web please click here.
In Year One children will read their individual reading books once per week with the class teacher or teaching assistant. Sometimes children may also read as part of an intervention or with a parent helper, student or volunteer. At the moment, children will bring two books home per week; a phonics book and a 'reading for pleasure' book. Children will also have access to e-books through Bug Club. Please try to read at least 5 times a week at home, whether this is with a school reading book or a book from home, and write in the reading diary each time.
Whole Class Reading & Storytime
Children will also take part in a whole class reading session at least three times a week whereby they will discuss different texts and develop their vocabulary, retrieval and inference skills. Children will have a daily story time and will also visit our school library weekly.
In Year One our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.
Children are to come to school in their PE kit. They can wear their outdoor hoodie instead of a school jumper and trainers instead of pumps if they like. No football kits or branded clothing items please. Please ensure your child has long hair tied back and jewellery is removed.
Spellings will be given out every Friday. The children will then do their spelling test the following Thursday. Children will usually have between 6 to 10 spellings to learn and will have have a sheet of spellings tucked into their spellings wallet, with room to practise throughout the week. Spellings will consist of a mixture of phase 2-5 tricky words, Year 1 common exception words and words that follow certain rules and spelling patterns.
Being able to apply the spelling pattern in writing is just as important as getting 10/10!
Year 1 Team
Miss Biglin
Mrs Foster
Mrs Totty (PPA cover)
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Farnworth
Mrs Nadin (mornings)
Homework is in the style of 'Pick n Mix' activities alongside weekly reading, spellings and maths tasks:
- 5-10 mins reading 3-5 times a week
- 5-10 mins practising weekly spellings
- 5-10 mins practising maths skills on Topmarks
The children are given one copy of the homework activities at the beginning of each term that contains lots of different activities that can be completed independently or with an adult. Pick n Mix homework can be returned to school upon completion and shared in class. There are a variety of activities to choose from as we try to make homework as fun as possible to engage all children!
To view this half term's homework, please click here.
Autumn trips & events
- Imagine That! Science and Art exploration centre. Date TBC
- Please remember to check Seesaw and our school Facebook page for updates, reminders, letters and photographs.
Autumn 1
- Super Duper You! - children will write sentences about why they are super
- Superhero poetry - learn and perform poems and add a new verse
- Charlie's Superhero Underpants - create a story map and retell the story
- Supertato - children will describe what the Evil Pea has done in the classroom, they will make their own Supertato and write sentences to describe it, create a wanted poster for the Evil Pea and sequence the story
Autumn 2
- Children will design their own superhero and describe them
- Little People Big Dreams Rosa Parks - write about Rosa Parks and create a non-chronological report
- Aspirations - children will write sentences about their future aspirations and why, using the word because to extend their sentences
In maths, in Autumn, we will be focusing on:
- Place Value within 10
- Addition and Subtraction within 10
- Shape
National Curriculum
To view the National Curriculum expectations for Year One children please click here
This term in Science we will begin our learning about seasons, focusing on Autumn. We will also be learning about materials, their properties and completing an experiment to test how waterproof different materials are.